Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Even though my ARP will be about advertising exercise to children and their parents, and directed towards an academic audience, there still must be dialouge opened to children and parents. I found two sources, one of which is an article suggesting adults get out and play, and the other is a website run by the CDC promoting exercise towards tweens.
The first source is a short article from Reuters.com describing the benefits of activities such as dancing, rock climbing and hula hooping. The article breaks things down so that its easy to comprehend by using simple sentences and basic facts to portray these benefits. It uses very simple words to get its message across. The first sentence is a rhetorical question, and there are several sentence fragments used as a means to keep the tone light and almost like a spoken conversation, rather than full sentences and complex ideas.
The second source is a complete website devoted to informing its audience of healthy activity called VERB. This idea was created by the Center for Disease Control in an attempt to get tweensThe creators of the website actually went deeper into writing for a specific audience by making separate articles for kids and adults. For the kids, the website has several ideas to get started and ways to get involved with the community. For the adults, there are magazines, handouts, and guides designed for parents and teachers with information on how to get their children or students involved and show support. The text on this website assumes its audience to be more educated than my other source, but still uses a simpler format, such as bullet points and short thoughts rather than full sentences. The website's goal is to communicate its ideas to its audience, and the most efficient way to do so would be to keep things simple for the audience to easily comprehend.
Both sources spell out a message to their audience using simple means. However, even when sending a message to a general audience, it is still possible to break it down based on things such as age, gender, or religion. The target audience is a very important thing to keep in mind when writing, especiall when the writer is attempting to make an impact. The audience must first understand everything before it can act.


  1. Wow Ryan, this is good. Way better than mine! You do a good job of explaining everything. I like how you thoroughly explain the ways in which each source appeals to its target audience. You're right, target audiences are extremely important when it comes to writing something. A paper or article, or ad, etc. cannot be effective if the target audience is not thoroughly considered and studied. Great job and good luck with your paper!


  2. I really like the way you analyzed your first source. I think it's important when writing for a public audience to use a conversational tone. It keeps the reader interested in what you're writing and is less-intimidating than formal writing. Also, I find it interesting how the second article was separated based on age group. Kids don't understand articles adults read and adults are bored with articles written for kids. I think it's important to know who your audience and then shape your style of writing to fit that group's understanding. Great job.
