Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A Place

The Oval. The defining feature of the OSU campus. It appears in calendars, post cards, and it is the fifth image to appear on a google image search. The oval is sacred to any Buckeye that aquired his or her education here. It is kept the same, or at least similar whenever rennovations are done to buildings so that alumni who return for football games can go visit the tree under which he would picnic with his future wife, or that open part of the oval where he broke his nose playing football with his buddies. The thing that makes the Oval so sacred is the history of it, and the history of the individuals that spent time on it. Even the buildings resemble the original buildings on the oval. For example, the Wexner Center is modeled after the castle-esqe armory that once stood in its place, and the Thompson library had to delay its rennovations so they could preserve the part of the building facing the Oval. I hope that someday, I return here and can stand out in the center of the Oval and look around as memories from the different buildings jump out as me as I look at them. I hope to be one of the millions of memories that will always remain on the holy ground of The Ohio State University.


  1. That was really good, I love the oval and all the history it holds. Did you know they use to marry people on the oval? It's pretty neat how everything here has some story behind it and the Oval is one of the greatest things at Ohio State I'm glad you picked it.

  2. This is a fantastic blog. You really have a talent when it comes to writing blogs, Ryan. I think it's just the words you use, the tone that you write with, etc. I love The Oval too. I did not pick it for my blog, but it was second on my list. You make a good point about how there are so many memories on The Oval. There are thousands of students and millions of alumni that have all, at one point or another, had a significant experience on The Oval.
    I think that this post could have been even better if you had maybe discussed the different details of The Oval. Such as, the sidewalks, the benches, the trees, etc. I think that if you describe the different details and explain what they mean to you, then your readers will have a better understanding of why you chose to write about The Oval. This is really a great blog though. I enjoyed reading it! And to be honest, I kind of feel like just going and sitting on The Oval right now! Thanks, Ryan.


  3. I agree with Andrea that this was very well-written! The Oval is such a beautiful and central spot on campus for all students to enjoy. I love the way you pulled out some interesting facts about the buildings around the Oval, such as the Wexner Center! I had no idea that the buildings were renovated to look like they did a long time ago. It really does give alumni a feeling like they are students again when they stand in the Oval. I hope when we are older and come back to visit, the buildings resemble how they are now, because that truly a beautiful aspect of this spot on campus. Sometimes we don't stop to take a look around us, and I can tell you really did that when you were writing this blog. Thanks!
