Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Dear future English 110 student,

I don't know what it is abot my writing that people like, but I must have been doing something correctly for these past few years. However, whenever I write, I make sure that I have a point on which I focus the writing. Whether it was comparing aspects of George Orwell's 1984 to contemporary America in my Junior year research paper, or determining the purpose of a Tom Hardy poem my sophmore year, there has always been a clearly defined point to my writing. I also make sure that I choose a topic rich in information and potential. For this class specifically, I chose a primary source that I knew would have plenty of research surrounding it, one that many people would know. I chose a Frosted Flakes commercial as my primary source because they have been producing commercials for a long time. Many people would understand the message and be able to understand my writing because they are familiar with the source. On top of that, I knew I would be find research supporting any well thought out argument I could make because advertising is such a carefully formulated topic. There would be a copia of research and literature on the topic of advertising, especially towards the intended audience of children. Be careful in the beginning of the course as this is when you set up the rest of your writing for the quarter, based on the primary source you choose. You have to use good judgment and foresight to pick a good source that will be able to give seven pages of rich writing. Good luck this quarter, and don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it!

Friday, November 13, 2009

The first source I looked at was about meal portions in Paris vs meal portions in Philadelphia. the study showed that meal portions in Philadelphia was about 25% larger than meal portions in Paris. Because of similar diets of fatty foods, this factor alone contributes to Americans' larger belt sizes than those of the French. There are 4 comments on this and they are all generally the same. They all supported the idea presented in the primary source, and some added additional resources to readers to follow up on their diet research. Another response gave tips to eating better.

The next source I looked at was about military workouts. It turns out that many people are more efficient at working out when they have some one yelling at them during their workout. The primary source gives different places to get one of these military workouts around the country. However, some of the responces disagree with using boot camp to lose weight and get in shape. One blogger cites the fact that many people just lack the time to go to boot camp because of a job and/or a family. On top of that, some people just aren't cut out for boot camp, and drop out after a week or two. Another blogger states that teen boot camps are great for building character in developing adults, and that going to boot camp as a teen will significantly augment a teen's health and self esteem. Each blogger had a good point, and the primary source did a great job of selling this specific method of exercise.

You can find both blogs on